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A Postcard from Charlotte Huguet

  • 23/01/2023
  • Postcard

At Touriste we love receiving postcards, so we asked our favorite globetrotters to write to us…

We are happy to share this monthly pleasure with you ! 

From Barbizon

A little about myself …

I am Charlotte Huguet, I am an art director and stylist for different brands and magazines.

I am writing to you from …

From my village to Barbizon.

My Tourist moment …

I’m several tourists at once : I can organise everything or follow the flow of a group. But I think what I like most is improvisation. And discovering what I don’t know. But I also like to come back to a place that touched me.

My upcoming night at the hotel …

At the Hotel Les Deux Gares. On an evening when I can’t go home.

The travel of my dreams …

I would like to go on a world tour. By taking my time.

In my suitcase …

Light. I try to put the minimum. So I can move around easily. And it allows me to bring back memories.

My favourite tourist song …

Oversea – Synapson

First Travel Memory

Senegal . I was 7 years old. I remember the smells, the rhythm, the sounds. It was so different from everything I had known before. With this feeling of being in my place. In the travel.

Charlotte Huguet