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A Postcard from Luke Edward Hall

  • 09/05/2022
  • Postcard

At Touriste we love receiving postcards, so we asked our favorite globetrotters to write to us…

We are happy to share this monthly pleasure with you ! 

From Hydra in Greece

A little about myself …

I am Luke Edward Hall, an artist, designer and columnist based in London and the Cotswolds.

My Tourist moment …

It depends on where I’m going. I’m not good at sitting still and doing nothing. I like to get lost visiting museums and galleries. I’m also very greedy, so most days are based around working out where we should be having lunch.

A souvenir I always bring back …

I love to bring home unique things made in the place I’m visiting – I particularly like finding the best junk and antique shops and rummaging to find ceramics and bits of old glass. I also like visiting local art supply shops (for example there is one in Florence that makes the best sketchbooks), bookshops and vintage clothing stores.

A Short Story

We booked a hotel in Cornwall about eight years ago, a castle right on the cliffs. When we arrived we immediately sensed a very weird vibe. After a bit of Googling, we found out that the castle was owned by Scientologists, and they used it as a kind of headquarters. We managed one night and then fled!

         Luke Edward Hall