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A Postcard from Charlotte and Alexis

  • 02/02/2024
  • Postcard, Uncategorized

At Touriste we love receiving postcards, so we asked our favorite globetrotters to write to us…
We are happy to share this monthly pleasure with you !

From Paris


A little about ourself …

We are Charlotte & Alexis, both interior architects, and have naturally combined our shared passion for the past three years under the name NECCHI. In life, we also share the same carry-on suitcase.

We are writing to you from …

We could have spoken about the mountains, but we mail it from our agency on Rue d’Aboukir in the 2nd arrondissement of Paris – the extension of our home.

My Tourist moment …

We are the tourists who spend half a day searching for postcards and writing them.
When I was younger, I loved wandering around with a very light backpack, without any pressure. At the same time, I was fortunate to travel a lot with my parents, in a more comfortable way. Today, I still have the desire to travel without a fixed itinerary, prioritizing the moments spent at the destination.
I must admit, I am quite adaptable. As long as the destination is never the same but the people we travel with are the right ones, I am always happy. I trust Charlotte and our friends.

Our upcoming night at the hotel …

Obviously at the hotel Château d’Eau, being able to be the customer who has an opinion on everything that does not work.
We can’t wait to spend time in this space that we thought.
Without narcissism, it must be a rather uncomfortable but exciting experience.

The travel of our dreams …

I look forward to being able to travel with our daughter, just like my parents did with me – those are the best memories. Visiting Peru or crossing Mongolia on horseback are on my travel bucket list.
I would love to embark on a long journey without a fixed destination, like a challenge – taking a bike and sleeping without a reservation. But it remains a dream; it can’t really happen. I am aware that my mental strength is as strong as that of a beginner athlete.

In our suitcase …

Getting lighter and lighter, I manage to focus on the essentials, and it also helps me avoid crises.
I can’t burden her; I am so annoying with Cha to make her lighten it. But mostly, I carry it out of laziness rather than common sense…

Our favorite tourist song …

‘Your Love’ by Lime. I imagine neon swimsuits, sweatbands, and the choreography from ‘Gym Tonic.’ It quickly gets me in the mood.
‘Sortir ce Soir’ by Étienne Daho, that’s a good summary.


First Travel Memory

My first travel memory is with my grandparents, who used to take me when I was very young to the Nianing estate near Dakar, where their friends owned a small hotel. I remember the colorful huts on the beach and animals freely roaming around. I think that’s where my passion for turtles, crocodiles, and other reptiles comes from. These are memories that make me happy.
A truly memorable memory is from Brazil. My parents had the opportunity to live there for a while. We often met there, but the first time I joined them, they took us on the road between Sao Paulo and Rio, stopping at mind-blowing pousadas. We ended up on the island of Mauro de Sao Paulo near Bahia, and I still dream of doing it again today.

Charlotte and Alexis